Krystelletine Frost FAQ

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Frosts are a Closed Species belonging to KyuremGirl.

More info on the Frosts of Krystelletine:

Frosts of Krystelletine (Reference Page) by KyuremGirl  Frosts of Krystelletine (Reference Page 2) by KyuremGirl

Frost Pony Species Reference

Frost Pony Species ReferenceFrosts are a Closed Species that belong to KyuremGirl.
Do not make one unless you have my permission.

This is a page to help you with identification with the species.
Frost Pony FAQ

Basic Information
Frosts are ponies that have a sleek equine appearance, and are usually taller than most ponies.They always have long paintbrush-like tails, but no Frost has the same tail color, pattern, or style. Each tail is unique.There are five different types of Frosts, based off of their villages:GrasslandMountainWaterSnowyEvergreenFrosts carry specific genes in their lines (such as bi-colored manes/tails, Dorsal Stripes, and Strips), and are only available to purebred Frosts.NEVER have Black Pupils. The pupils are a darker color of the iris, this is a unique feature only seen in Frost lines.NEVER hav


Q: Where is this so-called "Krystelletine" and how do you pronounce it?
A: Krystelletine is a fan-made area found in the northern-most part of Equestria. It was based off of Norse Mythology and is heavily influenced by the cultures found there. Although instead of worshiping the Gods, Frosts find their worship in the mythical Windigos that supposedly have lived in Krystelletine for thousands of years. Krystelletine itself is a huge territory, mostly made up of dense evergreen forests and heavily iced, rocky mountains. It is pronounced chris-TELLE-teen, with an actual meaning to the name. The Krystelletine Mountains are among the most mineral-dense areas in Equestria, housing some of the rarest and most precious minerals. During the Spring, the runoff from the melting snow caries nutrients down to the forests; it's the main reason why the area is so healthy. More information on Krystelletine can be found here: Home: Krystelletine

Q: How big are Frosts?
A: Frosts are actually not as large as most think they are. Because of their reclusive nature, most ponies believe they were a small species that scurried about the underbrush of the mountains. In fact, an average mare Frost stands a good foot above most common stallions. Because of their long legs, Frosts are tall and sleek despite their scruffy coat. 

Q: Why do Frosts worship the Windigos?
A: Frosts are a rare subspecies of Earth Ponies, and were among the first to live in Northern Equestria. Frosts have lived in the area for hundreds of thousands of years, keeping their interaction with other ponies to a minimum. Because of this, there is little known about the Frosts. What we can gather from their lives are the unique carvings they chisel into stones, totems, and even huts. The carvings seem to represent a worship to what we lay ponies call "Windigos". In the Frost tongue, they are called the Spirits of Winter. In Krystelletine, Windigos, or the "Winter Spirits", are not feared like most ponies, but are revered by the Frosts; they are beings that bring winter to Krystelletine and protect it's inhabitants. Common Folklore talks about the Windigos freezing ponies solid if their hearts turn cold and angry against one another. But to the eyes of the Frosts, they are respected and worshiped much like gods. Seeing a Windigo is extremely rare, mainly due to their snow-like appearance and their quick movements. In fact, most blizzard-like conditions have the most sightings of the Windigos, however, this is to be confirmed because of their similar appearance.

Q: Why do Frosts have these certain traits, unlike the more common ponies?
A: This is simply due to their genetics. Frosts are a proud race, and do not like to mingle with outsiders. They do like visitors, but would still keep secrets, culture, and any other Frost-related topic out of pony talk. The main reason Frosts almost never interact with common pony-folk is due to their genetics. Frosts can only mate with their own kind. It is possible to have a hybrid Frost, although extremely rare, but the likelihood of it being fertile is close to none. Most hybrid Frosts are born sterile, and cannot have foals. Because of this fact, Frosts see "crossbreeding" a taboo, and is highly frowned upon in the community. Frosts would rather keep their genetics clean rather than "taint" it. But there are a few Frosts out there that have cut their ties with their culture and have had hybrid foals. It is acceptable to adopt a common pony foal into the community until the Coming of Age Ceremony, although they are not considered a true member of the Frosts. It is up to the pony to decide where he/she would then want to do with their life.

Q: Do Frosts ever visit the Crystal Empire?
A: Rarely, if ever. Frosts are ponies that do not take temperature changes well. They often become ill, and if the altitude has changed, it can cause devastating effects on their health. Fever, nausea, heavy shedding, poor coat color, and cracked hooves are all side effects of location changes. Some Frosts that are healthy can sometimes visit other towns; these Frosts are often chosen to do trading with common ponies and are the ones that have frequent contact with the outside world.

Q: Is there only one group of Frosts, or are there many separate communities?
A: Yes! Frosts are a very social species, and live together in groups, or what we call herds and more commonly, communities. There are five main villages in Krystelletine, each with a head Frost and their family lineage; Gyllir, Sinir, Glaer, Glaor, and Lettfeti. The head Frosts are only able to marry into other separate head family members, but this does not apply to the other Frosts.

Q: Do the names of the tribes mean where they are located, or do they have more meaning to them?
A: Yes, the names of the tribes reflect how they are raised and what abilities fit them.
  • Gyllir (GUY-leer): The Golden Tribe. Named after the rich flowing fields of grasses that appear in early Autumn, the Frosts raised here are peaceful and sowing crops of their land and other animals for trade with fellow villages. These Frosts appear grass-like and have gentle personalities. 
  • Sinir (sin-EER): The Sinew Tribe. Named after their bulky muscles hidden under their fluff. Headstrong and often stubborn, these Frosts are the ones to mainly come into contact with Krystelline Gems and share them with the rest of their culture. Most Frosts of the Sinir Tribe own a Krystelline Gem of some origin. These Frosts are overly-cautious of everything, be it a strange rock in the road or a broken tree branch. 
  • Glaer (glah-AIR): The Clear Tribe. Named after the beautiful waters these Frosts have flourished around. They have cleverly built scaffolding over the water for a safe-haven of floating houses anchored to the lake floor. These Frosts are clever and are excellent swimmers and fisherponies. These Frosts have sleek fur, almost sporting an oil-like appearance. The Glaer Tribe is handles most of the fishing trades in Krystelletine.
  • Glaor (glah-OAR): The Bright Tribe. Often confused with the Glaer Tribe, this tribe is named after the blinding snows that brush across the open areas of Krystelletine. Most Frosts born within this clan have an uncanny ability to blend into their surroundings. They use their abilities to hunt for furs needed by both Frosts and other pony communities.
  • Lettfeti (let-FET-ee): The Light-Footed Tribe. Named after their swiftness and navigation. These Frosts live deep in the thick pines of Krystelletine and often make maps for travelers and act as guides, however their speed often leaves their customers in the dirt, lost. Lettfeti members are born with the ability to navigate, even without the knowledge of the sun and stars, and are not bad singers. In fact, these forest Frosts love to sing and are often minstrels throughout Krystelletine.

Q: Is there a hierarchy in the Frost villages, or are Frosts free to do what they want?
A: There is a hierarchy, but not a very strict one. The Head Frost is the leader of the village, and then next down on the pecking order is the family of the Head Frost, such as his/her children, spouse, and close relatives. The head family usually lives together in the same house, but that is dictated upon if they choose to do so. Most Frosts are allowed to do whatever they want, unless it may cause the community harm. There are strict standards to what Frosts can and cannot do, such as the nightly curfew. All Frosts under the Coming of Age as well as Mares must be inside before sundown. Any Frosts that are experienced with combat and are familiar with nighttime threats are allowed to be out at night, but only with permission from the head Frost.

Q: What threats are there in Krystelletine?
A: Quite a few, actually. The most common threat is the Ice Wraith, a huge snake-like creature with long fangs and a spiky body. These creatures are extremely dangerous, and are the cause of most leg and rib injuries found in Frosts. Many Frosts sport scars from Wraiths, but are usually covered by their thick fur. Not only are the spines and fangs deadly, but Wraiths also carry a poison in their throats that can coat their fangs. Frosts are for the most part protected by their thick fur and skin, but the smaller Wraith's teeth are smaller and more needle like; consequentially allowing for easier puncture of the hide. Most, if not all Frost foals, have a nasty encounter with baby Wraiths sometime in their lives. The venom causes a high fever with Frosts, and usually goes away within a few days; this is due to their genetics and have built a slight tolerance to the poison. Most common ponyfolk would suffer more severe symptoms, and even death if not treated soon after bitten. Other dangers include avalanches, rockslides, blizzards, ice wolves, and ironically; very deep snow.

Q: What are some of the items that the Frosts trade with others, and what are the items that the Frosts would like in return?
A: Because of Krystelletine's harsh environment, it's rather hard to grow foods that Frosts need for survival. This is the main reason why Frosts trade and sell. In order to have food, they either must buy or trade for it using their own natural resources. Krystelletine is a goldmine of rare minerals that are only found in and around the mountains. These minerals are carried downstream in the spring runoff, carrying vital nutrients into the water, streams, and flora in the areas. This is the main reason why trout, salmon, and even the trees grow huge at alarming rates. The Frosts mine precious minerals from the mountains and sell them to traders along the way. Other items Frosts sell are fish, logs from the pines, bark, and if lucky, Krystelline Gems. The Krystelline Gems are extremely rare, and both rich and royal ponies will pay handsomely in order to acquire them as a symbol of status. Because Frosts are the only ponies that are able to cut and refine these gems, they are the ones that solely control the prices. Normally, three thousand Bits can buy you a small rectangular gray Krystelline Gem. Another huge part of Frost trade are the pine needles. The trees in Krystelletine absorb and filter natural vitamins and nutrients found high in the mountains, most often needed in pony medicine. Crushed into a powder, these needles can be sold at convenient prices to wandering doctors. Because of the abundance of the needles, there is no need to charge a lot for them. Bits are not normally used between Frosts because there really is no need for a currency. Frosts typically trade furs from sheep and other animals, to dried fish, bone meal, antlers, dairy products, wood, and minerals. Because Krystelletine is not located near an ocean, Frosts must either mine or trade for one of the most important minerals to Frosts; salt. Frosts commonly use salt as a measure of payment when trading with other common ponies. They use salt to cure and dry meats and for flavoring as well as medicines. Another common payment they trade for are seeds for wheat, corn, and alfalfa. Dried fruits are a rare treat, and will pay more for such delicacies. 

Q: Do Frosts ever come into contact with the Mane Six or other Canon Characters?
A: No. Frosts have lived in Equestria for thousands of years. They would rather keep out of any wars in Equestria, and are for the most part neutral. Because they don't worship the Sun and the Moon Princesses, Celestia and Luna have decided to let them be. Frosts are a caring species, and don't like to fight. Their peaceful, quiet lives have been respected for generations. Although there has been records in the old manuscripts of a specific brown stallion that has made contact with all five Frost head families over the thousands of years; his age and appearance are still unknown.

Q: Have Frosts ever been involved with an Equestrian War?
A: Yes. Frosts, as peaceful as they are, were challenged to a war between the Ancient Unicorns in 482 Spring Seed of April. Because of the fertile rich soil of Krystelletine, the Unicorns had started to trespass onto Frost lands. Caring for all ponies, Frosts often took in the injured Unicorns that were careless in their journeys, causing a rift between the two species. With the Unicorns stealing their livelihood, the head Frosts came together for a meeting with the head Ancient Unicorn. Angered by the Frost's offer to do trade instead of allowing passage into their lands any longer, the black Unicorn Baqui the Bloody, waged war on the Frosts. Terrified for their own safety and with no magic of their own to wield, the Frosts turned to the Windigos for protection. The Spirits of Winter made a pact with the Frosts, and three days after Baqui had announced warfare, an incredible blizzard had whipped up seemingly out of nowhere. As off-season this storm was, it lasted through the summers for four years. After three years, the Ancient Unicorn's army began to disappear, getting lost in the blizzards and never to be seen again. Baqui, confused, exhausted, and without his soldiers, stood at the boundary to Krystelletine. Enraged, and threw his body into the storm, vanishing forever. Nopony knows what had happened to Baqui the Bloody, the Frost's historic scripts lost through time. But soon after the Ancient Unicorn's disappearance, the storm slowed and eventually opened passage back to Krystelletine. The Frosts were left unharmed, and lead peaceful lives once more under the protection of their guardians. There have been recorded sightings of an unusual dark gray Windigo ever since.

Q: Due to the bad tensions between the Frosts and Unicorns, do they refuse to trade with any caravans with a unicorn in it? Or are they extremely cautious around them?
A: Because the war took place long in the past, most, if not all Frosts from that time have passed away, only leaving books and oral teachings to their species with that history. The Ancient Unicorns were a proud race, and thought themselves as gods above all other ponies. Simply greedy, they threatened the peaceful lives of the Frosts in order to gain valuable lands for themselves. Unicorn ponies nowadays do not make Frosts nervous mainly because of their traits. To them, they see a pony with a majestic horn. However, the Ancient Unicorns sported long llama-like ears, split hooves, beards, and, like Frosts, unique lion-like tails. Frosts are larger than most ponies, size is not an issue. However, the Unicorns from their past that threatened their very lives were equal in size and much more powerful. Not only were both species on equal footing, the Unicorns can wield uncanny magic. Ancient Unicorns were renown for their powerful spells, and this is what struck fear into all Frosts.

Q: So they repelled an army using a blizzard but are there any warriors or tacticians among the frosts?
A: Yes, there are quite a few Frosts among the villages that are renown for their strength and tactics. Frosts are not the ones that created the snowstorm in 482-486 New Gale of February. Frosts had turned to the Windigos, their ancient spirits and guardians, for protection. Because of their peaceful nature, Frosts would avoid any fighting if at all possible. Frosts do not train to fight other ponies, it is not their way. However, this does not make them a weak race. Their constant fights with rocky slopes, harsh climates, and the common dangers of the wilderness such as fights with Ice Wraiths have strengthened the Frosts into a formidable force or fluff. One of the Head Frosts is a brilliant young tactician, and is leader of the Glaor Tribe. He is mainly in charge of protecting the Frosts of Krystelletine from any harm that may come to it, and taking out Wraith nests as they pop up from time to time during Spring Seed and Late Harvest.

Q: Do they have a preferred combat style?
A: Yes and no. Frosts, especially young Frosts, are trained at a young age to strengthen their bodies for the hardships to come. Mainly trained by their parents and family, Frosts pick up skills that are passed on from generation to generation. As the Frost ages, they form their own unique style of combat. Sparring is common among young colts and the occasional reckless rebel or two.

Q: How old can Frosts live?
A: Frosts age slower than most other ponies. Average life-span depends on how it was raised from ages 1-16 years. Experience is everything with the Frosts. The more adventures and training they go through at an early age often allows a Frost to live longer with wisdom as a tool. Frosts generally live about 123 years, but most die off early from disease or injury from their long life. The oldest Frost we know of in record was 149 years old, and was a Head Frost of the Lettfeti Tribe. Medical records that speak of that Frost has long been lost, cause of death is still unknown.

Q: Why are there more male Frosts then females?
A: The birthing population mostly consists 50% female 50% male. It all depends on the time of year. Fillies are more often born during the cooler months of the year, and colts during the warmer months. Because of their life in the north, daylight does not effect a female's estrus cycle. It all depends on the temperatures that Krystelletine holds. The Windigos are believed to keep the Frosts alive by allowing certain temperatures at each time of year to allow more of one gender.

Q: Can Frosts grab things with their tails?
A: Yes. A Frost's tail is incredibly strong. They are able to wrap their tails around objects that are too high for them to grab via their hooves or teeth. During the early stages in life, young Frosts "play fight" with their tails. This strengthens their tails for later use in life. Frosts communicate their feelings using their tails. This is extremely important at this age to develop social skills to use in the community. Example: Frost Fight

If you have any questions, please send a note to me and I'll add it to this FAQ.

This species was created back in 2011, but I have not had the time to thoroughly flesh out the species until this year, when I got more involved with DA.

© 2015 - 2024 KyuremGirl
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ReversedCarrot's avatar
So they repelled an army using a blizzard but are there any warriors or tacticians among the frosts?
And if so do they have a preferred combat style?